Carny: A Bad Boy Small Town Romance Read online

Page 11

  “Buses here ain’t that fast.”

  “We got our own car.”

  “No shit. In that case, I have your own trailer for the two of yous, if you can tow it. We’re leaving in the morning, you get here first thing, and it’ll be here for you.”

  “Fuck yeah, how you swinging that? Screw it, I’m not asking questions, I want the trailer.”

  My own trailer, there’s no way I’m missing out on that.

  “Then you better get driving, it’ll take you about twelve hours and we’re leaving in ten.”

  “We’re on our way. Text me directions to Gulfport.”

  I hang up the phone and turn to Emily, my face beaming.

  “We got ourselves our very own trailer.” I can’t hide the excitement in my voice.

  “That sounds good,” she says, unsure of her words.

  “Can this little car tow a trailer? Google it.”

  Emily taps into her phone and says, “Up to fifteen hundred pounds, apparently.”

  “And this thing has a trailer-hitch?”

  “My father made sure this car had everything there was to have. One of the perks of being the dealership boss’ daughter.”

  “Is that a yes?”


  “We need to get ourselves to Gulfport, Mississippi by morning.”

  “How far is that?”

  “Maybe a twelve-hour drive and we have ten hours to do it in. Do you know how to get to Mississippi? Look it up on your phone.”

  Without waiting for her, I put it in gear and pull back onto the highway.

  “I can’t believe I’m really doing this,” Emily says, turning her phone on.

  The phone starts beeping and chiming.

  “Ignore the texts.”

  “I’m looking at Google Maps. It’s easy, follow I-85 past Atlanta, change to I-65 at Montgomery, Alabama.”

  “Easy. Now turn off your phone.”

  “I can’t not look at the texts.”

  “Yes, you can,” I say, reaching over to grab her phone.

  Emily moves it against her window, out of my reach, her eyes fixed to the screen. My eyes flick between her and the road. Her breathing’s getting fast and I grab her nearest arm to try to get her to stop looking at the phone.

  “My mother is throwing all kinds of mud at you. There’s no word from my father, I guess he’s too busy looking for me. Should I tell her we’ve gone?”

  “No way, then he’ll follow us. Better to let him drive in circles around town.”

  “Your carnival isn’t on the internet. I know, I looked hard for it.”

  “That’s because we’re small. Papa Smurf don’t care about that shit. We go different places every year, what’s the point?”

  “So they’ll never find us.”

  “Not likely.”

  “So who cares if I tell them.”

  “Why don’t you say we’re going to Georgia?”

  “Same highway,” she says, sighing.

  “So don’t tell them nothing.”

  She starts tapping away at her phone.

  “What are you typing?”

  “A text to my mom,” she says and sets the phone on her lap. I assume she’s hit send. “I said they’ve given us no choice but to leave the area, because they were so rude to us. And also that I quit my job.”

  Her words surge through me and make my dick twitch, she’s all mine now.


  Drop Dead Legs (Emily)

  Steel’s speeding down the highway. We’re going way faster than I would drive, but I feel safe sitting here beside him.

  I can’t believe I’m leaving home and everything I’ve ever known behind. But after the way things have turned out, I have no regrets.

  A month of being with Steel every day has taught me one thing, I don’t want those days to end. I’m completely under his spell. Being with him means more to me than anything else. And I’m doing the unthinkable in order to make it happen — becoming a carny.

  “I’ve never been to Mississippi,” I say.

  “It’s nice. Good to see the river. I went to Elvis’ birthplace there before, but I don’t know if we’re going near there this year or not.”

  “Wow, it all sounds so exciting. I didn’t realize carnies were into sightseeing.”

  “Sure we are, why not? See all that different shit all over the place? It’s great.”

  “So where else have you been?”

  “Lots of places, I’ve told you, I’ve been to forty-one states.”

  “Which one are you from?”

  “That don’t matter, I joined the carnival so long ago I barely even remember.”

  “That’s crap.”

  “It ain’t, I don’t care, why do you?”

  “Fine. So, what states haven’t you been to?” I’m trying a new tactic. He’s always so guarded about himself. I suspect he’s ashamed, since he knows how privileged my life’s been.

  “Alaska. Hawaii.”


  “Yep, been there but nowhere else on the west coast. Razor and me went there one year during the winter break. Saw the Santa Monica Pier and the Hollywood sign.”

  “That’s so cool.”

  “It was, but I prefer the east coast.”

  Does he prefer because he’s an east coast boy, or is he a west coast boy who wants to leave it behind?

  “What about Oregon and Washington?”

  “Nope, never been.”

  I try to visualize a map before realizing how futile that is. Time for Google Maps again.

  “What about Montana?”


  “North Dakota?”

  “The towns are too spread apart in those places.”


  “What is this, twenty questions?”

  “No, I’m just trying to eliminate the places you haven’t been so I can narrow down where you’re from.”

  “I keep telling you, it don’t matter.”

  “But where’s your home? Why won’t you tell me?”

  “I told you before my home was wherever my bunkhouse is, but.”

  “But what?”

  “I suppose now my home is wherever you are.”

  My body bubbles over from his words. There’s no doubt in my mind that what I’m doing is the right decision. A lump forms in my throat, and I can’t say anything more.

  It’s after midnight. The darkness of the road and the movement of the car are lulling. My eyelids are heavy, and I’m struggling to stay awake.

  I wish I was wearing something more comfortable than this dress. And had some panties on. I didn’t wear any as a surprise for our one-month dinner and a movie celebration. Sitting in a car for ten hours wasn’t a consideration, or I would’ve worn sweat pants.

  Trying to get more comfortable, I hitch the dress up to the top of my thighs. It’s not much, but at least it lets me move my legs to a more comfortable position.

  “Tired?” Steel asks.


  “You should sleep, you’re going to have a busy day tomorrow.”

  “Am I going to have to work right away?”

  “Probably. Papa don’t do freeloaders, though he might make an exception for me. But when we get there, we’re hitching up the trailer and moving on to the next town, probably another hour drive.”

  Tired and nervous, emotions threaten to overwhelm me. I recline my seat and close my eyes, trying to calm myself.

  I’ve managed not to check my phone since I sent my mother the last text, and I’m determined not to look until morning.

  “Good night,” I say, already half asleep. This is the first night we’ve spent together since the night at the carnival. It’s not exactly how I pictured things when I got up this morning, but then, no moment with Steel has ever been how I expected.

  In seconds, I’m asleep and dreaming about Steel holding me.

  In a haze, I’m aware of the car stopping. Steel’s hand moves high up on my exposed t
high. I open my eyes, and he’s staring at me.

  “Are we here?” I ask, my voice groggy.


  “Where are we? Why did we stop?”

  “Because I’ve been driving the past three hours, listening to you breathe and unable to focus on the road as I’ve looking at your long legs.”

  I’m still more asleep than not, and I don’t know what he’s talking about, but his words wrap around me like a hug. I let out a soft noise of approval.

  “All I keep thinking is how you’re mine.”

  “Yours?” I ask, biting my lip.

  “All mine.”


  “I’m telling you now, I always protect what’s mine.”

  I furrow my brow, trying to process his words.

  “Are you mine?” I ask, my voice quiet.

  “Have been ever since that night in October.”

  My chest swells, but before I can respond, he pulls me up, grabs the back of my head and his mouth presses against mine.

  His hand slide further up my thigh, and under the fabric of my dress. Heat burns under his touch.

  Our kiss is different somehow. The tenderness of his lips sends waves of warmth that fill me until I threaten to overflow and burst with joy.

  His fingers reach my mound, and brush across it. I moan, and he pulls his lips away.

  “No fucking panties?”

  “It was a surprise for you, for our one-month anniversary.”

  “I can’t sit here any longer, I need to be in you. Get out of the car,” he says, pulling his hand away.

  I moan in protest but he ignores me. Steel opens his door and gets out. Before I know it, he’s opened my door and is pulling me out. He grabs me tight, his hard dick digging into me.

  “You think I’ve been sitting there and thinking of anything else but fucking you? Knowing you’re all mine now?” He kisses me roughly before continuing, “I swear my cock has been hard for the past hour. I need to bury it in your pussy. Now. Then I’ll be able to concentrate on the road.”

  My skin coats in goose bumps as all the heat it my body pools between my legs. Steel nuzzles my neck, his hands slide up the outsides of my thighs, pushing my dress up to my waist.

  The night air is cool, and blows across my exposed lips and ass. I glance around. We’re in some highway picnic rest stop area. It’s empty, except for a truck at the far end of the parking lot. The highway itself has a steady trickle of middle-of-the-night traffic.

  Without warning, Steel spins me and pushes my body against the car. He grips the back of my neck and presses my head onto the trunk. I’m still catching my breath from the movement when he drives his dick into me.

  I gasp. My pussy blooms with heat. Steel keeps pushing my body into the car as he thrusts into me. Over and over and over.

  My hips bash into the car with each thrust, but my walls are throbbing too much to care. I’m breathless, my head is spinning, and before I know it, a tidal wave of pleasure rushes over me.

  My legs give out, and I’m held up only by the car. I’d slide off it if Steel wasn’t pushing me down on it.

  Wave after wave of a massive orgasm rushes over me from being woken up and fucked in the cold at the side of the road. My walls spasm around his dick, gripping it tight in me.

  He’s right, he’s mine. And I, undeniably, am his.


  Every Rose has a Thorn (Steel)

  Emily’s bent over, her head in the passenger area, looking for something. Her movements are slow, and her limbs look clumsy.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, anxious to close her door and get back on the road.

  “Looking for Kleenex.”

  “So get in and then look for them, we need to go.”

  “I can’t get in until I find them, your cum is leaking down my leg and I don’t want to get it all over the seat.”

  “So use your dress to wipe it off.”

  She stops what she’s doing and cranes her head about to look at me, “My dress, my one piece of clothing? No way. Give me your t-shirt, and I’ll use that.”

  I’m about to object when I realize how much cleaning up her pussy appeals to me. Like I can see what I do to it, plus touch it some more. I’ve got more clothes in the trunk anyway.

  “Keep looking for the Kleenex,” I say, squaring myself behind her hips.

  Pulling my t-shirt over my head, I ball it in my fist and rub it up her leg. Emily freezes, but doesn’t say anything. I wipe off both of her inner thighs, and press my shirt against her lips, causing her to arch her back. Slowly, I moved the shirt through her folds, loving this idea of mine.

  Damn, if we weren’t in such a hurry, I’d fuck her again right now.

  She’s all cleaned up for now, but I gush like a bull. I push her hips to the side, and lay the t-shirt on the seat. It’s something, anyway.

  “Thank you,” she says, her breathing slow.

  Emily hikes her skirt around her waist, I guess so she doesn’t sit on it, then gets in the passenger seat. Shit, I thought the first five hours of looking at her long legs was hard, now I’ve got a view of everything below the waist to contend with.

  I get back into the driver’s seat and pull back onto the highway. Emily reclines her seat, her luscious lips on full display to me. I force my focus on the road and get us there in time.

  She falls asleep almost straight away, and I keep on driving. When we get near, I use Emily’s phone for directions.

  The sun is up when I pull into the lot where the carnival is. Emily wakes up when I stop the car.

  “Where are we?” she asks, her voice groggy.

  “We’re here.”

  Emily’s eyes shoot wide open and her spine straightens.

  “You don’t got nothing to be worried about,” I say and grip her hand. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone and you’ll feel better.” She looks at me like a deer in headlights and I grip her hand tighter. “Don’t worry, Goldie, I’m here for you. Just trust me.”

  With tight lips, her head nods, almost imperceptibly. I release her hand and get out of the car. I go around to her side to coax her out, but to my surprise she gets out on her own and is standing waiting for me by the time I get there.

  “Holy shit, you made it,” Papa Smurf says, walking towards us.

  “The promise of my own trailer? You’re damn straight we made it,” I say.

  “And this is her, the one you drove us all nuts about over the winter?” he says, eyeing Emily.

  “Papa Smurf, this is Goldie.”

  “Goldie, huh. Nice to have you with us. I still can’t believe Steel convinced you to come.”

  The comment makes her smile, and with a soft voice she says, “I was the one who had to convince him to bring me.”

  “I’ll be damned. Ain’t never heard that one before,” he says.

  “Enough of the Steel bashing, where’s our trailer?”

  “How you going to pull it?” he asks, laughing.

  “With this.” I point to the Corolla.

  “You’ve gotta be shitting me. That little thing?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “I’d sure like to. Trailer’s over there, the little blue one.”

  I grab Emily’s hand and say, “Come on, Goldie, let’s go check out our new home.”

  “We’re leaving in half an hour,” Papa Smurf calls after us.

  Pulling her across the field, various carnies I’ve known for years yell and whistle at me.

  “Fuck you all,” I shout at none of them in particular.

  “Fuck you too, asshole,” someone yells. I think it was Razor. Doesn’t matter anyway, they’d all say the same thing. So would I.

  “This is it,” I say, pulling my hand on the trailer door latch.

  It’s small, not much bigger than a bunkie room, but I don’t care. It’s all ours.

  I open the door and Emily climbs in, looking around. I enter and shut the door behind me.

  “It’s nice,�
� she says, her voice a bit deflated.

  “It’s great, look at this, our own table and chairs.”

  “That’s a bed?”

  “Now it is, but it turns into a table.”


  “That means we can sit in here when it rains, and don’t have to sit on the bed.”

  “I thought you’d prefer the bed in the rain.”

  “Don’t you worry about that. Bed, table. Hell, I’ll even bend you over this little stove.”

  Emily laughs, “Is that a promise?”

  “Don’t you worry, Goldie, I wouldn’t be surprised if we bust this trailer’s axle.”

  I grab her hips and grind into her. My mouth smashes against hers, my woman in our trailer, and I know where this is going to end.

  “Get the fuck out of there, we got to get ready to go,” Razor says, pounding his fist on the door.

  “Give us five minutes.”

  “That’s no way to please a woman. Goldie, he ever lets you down, you can come running to my bunkhouse any night.”

  Enraged, I let go of Emily and fly out the door. I don’t care if he is like a brother to me, these fuckers need to know she’s off limits, and I need to make that loud and clear now.

  “What did you say, asshole?”

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” Razor says, not looking behind him as he walks away.

  “I said, what did you say?”

  “You heard me, that pretty woman ever gets tired of your disappointing fucks, she needs to know where she can come get a good one.”

  Covering the ground between us as fast as I can, I lunge at Razor from behind and we go crashing to the ground. I’m on top of him, and push myself up by pushing his back down into the ground.

  Everyone in the lot has stopped what they were doing and is rushing towards us.

  “Let me make this clear now,” I yell, “Goldie is mine, and if anyone does anything to upset or disrespect her, they’re going to have to deal with me. I don’t care who you are or how long I’ve known your fucking cocksucking ass.”

  “Easy, buddy, I was just messing around,” Razor says.

  “And that includes messing around,” I bark, and shove his back to emphasis my point.

  “Fine,” Razor mutters.