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Carny: A Bad Boy Small Town Romance Page 2

  “Why? So you can keep an eye on me there?” It’s really because he doesn’t think women can sell.

  “Emily,” my mother says, smoothing my hair, “Don’t get so upset, your father and I care about you very much.”

  “If you cared about me so much, you’d let me grow up and live my own life.”

  My father rolled his eyes, opened the front door and walked through it, as he said “Just don’t do anything stupid.”

  After putting up with it all the way through high school, I’ve finally had enough of them holding me responsible for my father’s reputation. Right now, I’d really like to do something to ‘hurt his reputation’.

  “You ladies still waiting?” the hot carny from before says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  Turning my head, I see the two guys returning to the Ferris wheel.

  “Looks like,” I say.

  He stops walking and offers me his hand.

  “Come with me,” he says.

  I look at Courtney and Maddie, and they raise their eyebrows and shrug.

  “You going to throw your weight around and get us all out of the line?” I ask.

  “For you, it’ll be VIP treatment all night long,” he says, flashing his killer smile.

  I bite my lip, wondering what to do. Then my father’s voice, harping on about his reputation pops into my head, and I take the offered hand.

  He leads the three of us past the line and straight onto the waiting car. It’s one of those ones that seats four, with the moulded plastic to look like an umbrella sticking up the center of it.

  “Hey, no butting!” someone shouts.

  Courtney and Maddie climb into one side of the Ferris wheel car, and I take a seat on the other side, looking back at them.

  “Enjoy the ride,” the guy says, latching the door shut. He looks at me as he says it, and once again I feel flattered for being singled out. I immediately chastise myself for being flattered, it’s just a ploy, he does it in every town.

  The wheel moves, stopping quickly again to load the next passengers. Courtney and Maddie chat animatedly, but I find myself unable to join in. I’m too busy thinking about what my father will say when he finds out his daughter let a carny take her hand and jump to the front of the line in front of everyone.

  He’s going to freak when he finds out, and he will, this is a small town. He probably already knows.

  When we get near the top, the wheel stops to load more passengers.

  “Look, Emily, I can see your house,” Maddie says, pointing.

  I move to turn my head to look for my house, when shouting and squealing floats up to me from below.

  My attention is drawn to the ground but a movement on the wheel itself catches my eye. The next thing I know, the blue-eyed guy appears and hops into our car.

  “Is this seat taken?” he says, sitting in the empty seat beside me.


  Caught in a Mosh (Steel)

  The look on their faces when I jumped into their car at the top of the wheel was priceless. Their chins hit their knees before they started giggling.

  Goldilocks especially.

  I found my blonde. Goldilocks is the girl I’m banging in this town. She’s tall, with legs a mile long. Her tits are small, but she’s slim all over so she looks mighty fine. Her long blonde hair is dead straight with bangs that reach her icy blue eyes.

  “How are you ladies enjoying the show?” I ask.

  “We just got here,” the redhead says.

  Then the ride starts, giving me about three minutes to make my move.

  “That’s cool, plenty of time to have fun,” I say.

  “How did you get here?” Goldilocks asks. Her voice is as enticing as her tits, and I can’t wait to hear her screaming when I pound into her.

  “I drove.”

  She laughs and throws her head back, exposing her long neck.

  “Not to town, into where you’re sitting,” she says.

  “How do you think?”

  “He climbed, obviously” the brunette says, snarling.

  I give her cut-eye.

  “You smell like diesel,” she says, returning my cut-eye.

  “I smell like a man.”

  The redhead bursts out laughing.

  “What, you don’t believe me? What do you think, Goldilocks? Do I smell like a man?” I say, putting my forearm to her nose.

  She inhales, and her eyelids flutter. That’s all the answer I need right there.

  “Don’t keep us hanging, Emily. Does he smell like a man?” the brunette asks, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “Emily, eh? I think I prefer Goldie,” I say. I want to touch her hair, but hold off. I know how to play these situations, this one’s going to take some work. But it’s going to be worth it, I can tell already she’s a good girl. The kind I like best. Nothing makes for a good fuck like a girl who’s been sexually repressed her whole life. They’re always the ones who can never get enough.

  “Do we get to learn your name?” the redhead asks.

  “I’m Steel,” I say, not taking my eyes off Emily.

  “Steel? Why are you called that?” she asks.

  “Lots of reasons,” I say.

  The brunette rolls her eyes, “I thought you were going to say something lame, like it’s because you’re a strong as steel.”

  “That’s one of them,” I say, lifting my shirt to show them my ripped abs.

  Three sets of eyeballs pop out of their heads as they stare at my six pack. I lift my shirt a little higher, to give them an eyeful of my tattoo-covered pecs too. Best perk of this job is it gives you a body like mine. Gets a reaction like theirs every time. Even the brunette is silenced.

  “You can touch, Goldie,” I say.

  To my surprise, she reaches out her hand. Not what I expected from the good girl, but I sure like it. Emily hovers it over my abs, and I assume she’s going to chicken out.

  But after thinking about it, she presses her hand against my belly. Her hand is soft and delicate while she runs it over my washboard stomach. My dick twitches in my pants, and I wish to fuck her two friends weren’t here. Unless, of course, they wanted to join in.

  I glance over at them. Nah, not a chance. Emily’s the only one I want in my bunkhouse cabin tonight.

  “What are the other reasons they call you Steel?” Emily asks, her voice breathy and her eyes still fixed on my stomach.

  “That’s something I have to show you in private,” I say, smirking.

  Our ride is over. Whiskey wisely unloaded our car last, but I still have to move my ass before Papa Smurf catches me.

  Before our car even stops, I hop out of the car and stand beside it, as if I’ve been standing here helping people get on and off the ride all day.

  I offer my hand for Emily to take, and she takes it. I support her as she climbs off, and Whiskey does the same for her friends.

  “Enjoy the rest of the carnival,” I say. This is when I play it cool. I want her gagging for me by the time I find her later.

  The three of them walk off without saying goodbye, but Emily can’t resist a quick glance at me over her shoulder. I pretend I didn’t notice, and help Whiskey load the next group of people onto the ride.

  I work for another hour, helping Whiskey and moving around the other rides to make sure everything’s running like it should. I’m the ride foreman, and am responsible for all the rides. If we don’t pull in the money, Papa Smurf busts my ass, plain and simple.

  But the whole time I’m moving between rides, I’m looking out for Emily. I can’t get the memory of her hand on my abs out of my mind.

  Already I’m thinking about what I’m going to do to her after the eleven o’clock closing. I have to find her before then to tell her to come find me at closing. I’m going to take her to our nightly party before I take her to my bunk.

  I’m checking up on Zombie at the bumper cars when Emily and her friends get on, each in their own cars. Fucking perfect.

  A bu
nch of other people get in cars, and Zombie starts the ride. Emily is behind the redhead and her car lurches forward and smacks into the back of her. The redhead flies forward, her head jerking in an unnatural way.

  Emily’s car zips near the edge of the course. I hop onto the bumpers on her car and grab onto the metal rod connecting the car to the ceiling. She looks up at me and smiles. I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s the prettiest smile anyone’s ever given me.

  The way her eyes crease when she smiles is especially perfect. Like it’s a hint of the way they scrunch up when she comes.

  The brunette zooms near us. I use my foot to turn Emily’s wheel and drive us straight into the side of the brunette’s car. She jolts with the impact, and both Emily and I laugh.

  “Having fun yet?” I ask, shouting over the noise of the bumper cars.

  “Yes,” she laughs.

  That’s the third best thing about being a carny — making people smile. Especially when their smiles are as pretty as Emily’s. The second best thing about being a carny is every night’s a party.

  Like I said before, the number one thing about being a carny is it gives you a body like mine, with muscles no woman can resist. Which means I can fuck who I want wherever I go. And tonight that’s going to be Emily.

  Zombie shuts the ride off, and all the cars come to a standstill.

  “Stick around for another turn,” I say, glancing over to the long line of people waiting their turns.

  “I can’t, I’ve got to stick with my friends,” she says, standing.

  “Suit yourself.” I step down off the bumper edge and step aside so she can get past me.

  “Thanks,” she says.

  “Enjoy the carnival,” I say. I know exactly how to treat these small-town good girls to get what I want out of them. You have to start slow, or they get scared off.

  Another thirty minutes pass, and I move between the rides, keeping everything running smoothly. I spot the three of them at the end of the long line for the Zipper ride and realize this is my chance. Zipper cars only seat two — cozily.

  Junk’s operating the ride, so he’ll make it extra long for me. Though he'd better not be a dick and speed it up until she pukes on me.

  “Hey, ladies, I told you, you’re VIPs tonight. Come with me.”

  Without touching them, I lead them to the front of the line. I nod at Junk, giving him my signal for a longer, slower ride and he laughs.

  The brunette climbs into the car, and Emily moves to follow but I grab her hand and hold her back. The redhead either didn’t notice my move, or didn’t care and climbs in next. Junk slams the door and locks it, then moves the ride until the next car is in place.

  Emily climbs in and turns to look back out the car. I hop in beside her and pull the cage shut, and Junk quickly moves our car along.

  The cage is cramped, and the sides of our bodies touch, from our ankles to our shoulders. She tries to shuffle away to minimize our physical contact, but there’s nowhere to shuffle to.

  “What’s the deal? Why do you keep coming up to me?” she asks.

  “Because, you’re the prettiest girl I’ve seen in the whole country.”

  “But not the whole world?”

  “I’m sure the whole world too, but we don’t go there.”


  Kickstart my Heart (Emily)

  “Oh, where do you go?” I ask, making polite conversation.

  The ride moves again. It’s still loading new passengers, so we only go a short distance up the side of the track. Our cage swings back and forth when we come to a stop again, and I grab the padded bars in front of me. Steel doesn’t even look like he’s aware we’re moving.

  Why does he keep talking to me? This, for some reason, is the third ride I’ve been on with him tonight.

  There’s no point in denying that my skin tingles everywhere his body brushes against mine. This cage is cramped, and I’m pinned between Steel and the metal.

  “We go all over. Since we’re small, we take a different route every year.” I can feel his eyes on my as he speaks, but I keep my gaze on The Gravitron that’s straight ahead of us.

  “Huh, interesting. Have you been in the carnival long?”

  “Ten years.”

  My eyes widen, and I turn my head to look at him. Our eyes connect and a rush of something moves through me. What was that?

  “Wow, that’s a long time,” I say, holding his eye contact. Even in the dark of the night, the blue of his irises is bright.

  Our cage moves and stops again to load more people.

  “It’s all I know.”

  “So, what made you join? Couldn’t find a circus to run away and join?”

  “Something like that,” he says smiling.

  The smile once again transforms his face to utter gorgeousness, my heart flutters and I have to look away.

  No one in Colmar looks half as good as him. Or even a quarter as good. Even Dylan, our high school’s heartthrob, is a smear on a shoe compared to Steel.

  “Something like that? Like I’m sitting in a cage with an ex-con?”

  Our cage moves and stops to load another pair of passengers.

  “You know, carny code says you don’t ask a person about their past. It’s no one’s business.”

  “Carny code?” I say laughing, “Do I have to follow your code when I’m not a carny?”

  “Goldie, you’re so pretty, you can write your own code.”

  “Then are you going to tell me?”

  “Tell you what?”

  “Why you joined?”

  “I joined so I could travel to this town and meet you.”

  I burst out laughing. “To meet me? You joined a decade ago.”

  “It took me that long to find you, but I never gave up looking. I knew I’d find you.”

  “Do you use that line on all the girls?”

  The ride moves again, but this time it doesn’t stop. The noise of it creaking and groaning as we sped up is even louder than the thumping music.

  Our cage swings more and more each second. One second it’s like I’m lying on my back, the next I’d facing the ground and locking my grip on the bars to keep me from falling on my face. Steel still hasn’t grabbed the bars, and sits like he’s on a chair at a dining room table.

  But it’s stupid fun, and I can’t stop laughing.

  We’re at the highest point, and our cage flips upside down, causing me to squeal. On reflex, I grab Steel’s thigh. The hardness of the muscle underneath his jeans draws my attention away from the ride.

  He puts his hand on mine, and says, “Don’t worry, I won’t let you smash your face.”

  I want to ask if many people smash their faces, but I’m breathless from being whipped around. At least, I think that’s why I’m breathless. It could also be from being locked in a tiny cage with a really hot guy. Even with a neck tattoo.

  For whatever reason, the excitement, the flattery, the way it makes me tingle, I don’t take my hand from his leg, and keep it there the rest of the ride. It’s not because his hand is still on top of mine radiating heat into me.

  We reach the bottom again, and Steel moves his hand from mine to my bare thigh. I’m laughing at the ride, when his touch immediately commands all my attention. Tingles are spreading from his hand and pooling between my legs. It’s wrong, but I don’t do anything to move it.

  After a few more rotations, the ride slows and stops to let passengers off. I should take my hand off Steel’s thigh. I really should. But I don’t. He makes no move to take his hand off my thigh either.

  We continue to chat as we’re waiting for our turn to get off. He’s easy to talk to, and we laugh and joke around. I still wish he’d tell me why he joined. It intrigues me.

  “What makes someone drop out of society and live a completely different lifestyle?” I ask. I’m almost embarrassed by my question.

  “Look how much fun I’m having. Every day’s fun. Life’s a party. Can’t you understand that?”

  “I suppose. But, I don’t know. What about real life?”

  “Real life? You mean running in a hamster wheel to pay bills? Thanks, but no thanks.”

  “So you’ll never quit?”

  “No fucking way. It’s who I am.”

  Courtney and Maddie’s cage opens, and they get out. We’re next.

  Steel looks at me and says, “We always have a party after the carnival closes, come join us. It’s just a few beers and a good time.”

  “Beer? I’m not old enough to drink.”

  He laughs, “That don’t matter for shit.”

  “Thanks, I’ll think about it,” I say out of politeness. Steel may be gorgeous and charming and fun, but he’s a carny. As if.

  “I serious, Goldie. Come find me.”

  Our cage opens and I climb out and walk towards Courtney and Maddie.

  “Enjoy the carnival,” Steel calls after me.

  I look back at him and laugh. How many times has he said that tonight?

  “What was that about?” Courtney asks, her lip snarled. For once, the Zipper has left her with disheveled hair.

  “Steel came on the ride with me so I wouldn’t have to ride alone.”

  “Ew. What’s with that guy?”

  I don’t know Courtney, you mean, what’s wrong with him because he’s flirting with me over you? Who even cares, he’s a carny.

  “He’s just joking around and having fun,” I say.

  “Besides, who wouldn’t mind being trapped in a cage with someone as hot as him?” Maddie says.

  “Exactly,” I say and laugh.

  Maddie laughs too, and I hook my arm through hers.

  “Whatever, you’re lucky he didn’t grope you,” Courtney says.

  “He was a perfect gentleman,” I say. After all, I touched him first.

  “A gentleman with a neck tattoo,” Courtney says, her nose twitching in disapproval.

  “Lighten up,” I say.

  “You just be careful, he’s scamming you for something. He probably noticed your Burberry dress and is going to try to get some money out of you,” Courtney says as we walk to the Scrambler.

  “As if, Courtney,” Maddie says.